Monday, April 16, 2012

Pinata making: the paper mache hot air balloon and bunny

The last month, Jackie and I have been making pinatas. It started when we made a hot air balloon for my Relief Society party. We got some old newspapers and mixed about 1 part water with 1 part flour to make a paste. Then we dipped long strips of the newspaper into the paste and flattened them over a large balloon.

Jackie's friend McKensie came over to help with the second layer of paper mache, but the two of them got bored quickly and went to dress up as princesses and play with toys, which gave me lots of time to finish that layer.

Then I hung it up in the closet for two weeks. By the time I got back to putting on another layer, I was running out of time and had to use two large fans to dry it and then quickly decorate it for the party. Still, I was rather happy with how it turned out.

But, Jackie was so disappointed when she saw the pictures of it broken open at my Relief Society party. So, I promised her that we'd make her her own pinata. She chose to make a rabbit and it formed the basis for a party with the other kids in our babysitting co-opt.

The kids seemed to have a blast (and it kept them entertained, which goes a long way when babysitting eight kids). Here's Sophia trying to crack open the pinata:
 Then Zoya gave it a try, while her brother lifted the pinata up and down on a rope.
 Tevin had fun on his turn.
My husband managed the two babies while I supervised and took pictures. Two babies are A LOT of work!
 The pinata was hard enough we proceeded from youngest to oldest a few times before it broke.
Chloe put a hole into the pinata, after raising her stick, hitting the pinata with a bang and sending it soaring.
  The kids were quick to check out the hole, but the candy still didn't come out.
  On her turn, Jackie (the yougest, not counting the babies) barely tapped the pinata.

Tevin tried to help her.

Finally, Tevin did some major damage on his last turn.

  Then Chloe prepared to finished it off.
She gave a powerful whack and down it went.
  The kids quickly gathered around and collected their candy.

Jackie had had a great party!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd have to say the ones with Jacque holding the candy are my favorite! They are so cute! lol That's a good one of tevin. lol

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