Saturday, April 28, 2012

A couple of graduates

This was graduation weekend. Last night we attended two graduation receptions, with the kids. Jackie wasn't that impressed by the shrimp or scallops, but she did love the chocolate dipped strawberries and most of all the live band. She attracted attention of crowds of people because she planted herself in one spot and watched for around 20 minutes. When we wanted to move, she said she wanted to, "watch the music." This is a little girl who goes around the house singing songs and asking mommy to turn on the tunes.

This morning Renn and I attended commencement. Renn graduated with his MS in environmental engineering, while I tried to watch and tried to manage two babies. Everyone who sat around us was very patient and went out of the way to be nice. Fortunately one of those, a friend of mine from Kenya with three kids, mostly older, was seated nearby and helped during the ceremony. Her oldest daughter sat with Jackie while I took Bridget out at first. After Renn got his diploma cover, I exited to a nearby lobby. As you can see the babies didn't find graduation too exciting. Here's us listening in the lobby while they read off names and handed people their diplomas (By the way, these two pictures were taken by a two-year-old boy with some help from me. Entertainment):

Eventually, Martha's youngest boy, age two, was restless and we both found ourselves in the lobby. We decided to take the kids for a "wiggle walk." The kids raced around the hallways and I felt relieved to walk and talk with another mom who understood.

Afterward, Renn's advisor met him, posed for a picture and took our pictures also. Then, he suggested some more people for Renn to contact in his job search and said, "See you Monday." Renn and I believe he's been fortunate to have a very good professor.

 I took Renn's pictures with the kids.
Then, he offered to take "graduation" pictures of me in his cap and gown because my commencement is next weekend at Utah State University and we won't be able to make it. I'm disappointed because I didn't go to my undergraduate graduation either because I planned to go when I got my master's degree. So, I suppose today is my graduation in a sense also :) I changed the picture to black and white so that you can pretend my hood is Utah State blue!

Here I am with the two future graduates:

1 comment:

Lara Neves said...

Congrats to the both of you!

My wedding cake

My wedding cake
My sister, Christie, made my wedding cake -- all five layers of it. It was fondant, covered in fresh red roses and green ribbon. For a more modern look she chose to make a square cake.

Trip up the canyon

Trip up the canyon
OK, here's the truth, what Renn and I really look like when we wake up. After our first backpacking trip as a couple, Renn's hair looked like grass growing on his head and mine lay flat and matted as we walked out of the mountains.

Karen and Renn in Mexico

Karen and Renn in Mexico
This is us on our last day at the Hummingbird Inn in Maneadero, Mexico. It was a fun week of service with Engineers Without Borders. Renn and other USU engineering students helped put in drain fields at an orphanage, The Gabriel House, for children with severe disabilities. I helped dig some holes and wrote an article for the newspaper about the experience.