Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jackie's marker tatoos, first snowman, Tech hockey, and other 2-year-old adventures

Over the last month, I've been jotting down memories and taking pictures, despite the fact I couldn't get my computer to upload them. Now it's time for some more catchup, with a post focused on my blog's greatest fan (she loves to see pictures of herself and family members!). Here goes:

Feb. 6 - Jackie and I ate a bowl of frozen blueberries -- that we'd picked fresh months earlier by Rice Lake -- they still tasted so much better than store bought and brought back a bit of summer. It was also kind of funny dying our fingers and mouths purple with berries mid-winter. Here's a picture of Jackie's mouth AFTER we tried to wash it clean:

Feb. 7 - Jackie's favorite phrase (aside from "No!") is "I do it." She'd do great in a Nike Commercial. Today one thing she wanted to do was play with stickers, which evolved into painting with water colors and then drawing with markers. When my back was turned for a moment she turned her attention away from drawing on paper to drawing on her arm and clothes. Fortunately, the markers are washable. This is NOT the first time... She called the lids hats and put them on each of her fingers.

Feb. 15 - For the first time ever, Jackie took a nap in underwear. I wondered what kind of insane thing I'd done to myself, dreading cleaning up the mess, but to my surprise she woke up after about two hours, knocked on her door and said, "Need to go potty," and then completely dry went to her little toilet. If only it were always that easy. (The next day within a matter of hours, she had six accidents. Ugh. From best to worst).

Feb. 21 - In a moment of weakness, I bought bags of Valentine's candy post-holiday at discount prices. I was just sneaking a Hershey's kiss and miniature Mr. Goodbar from the bag on the fridge, when my very observant two-year-old said, "want chocolate." I gave her a piece, in resignation, mourning my bad example, only to have her eat it joyfully and say, "want another piece." OK, I said, as I held two pieces in my own hand and felt I should be fair. But, since I was feeding her sister, I asked: "Can you be patient? Can you be a little patient (holding my fingers close together) or even a lot patient (holding my hands far apart)." "Little patient," she said, holding her fingers close together. Then in a moment of enthusiasm she said, "more patient," and held her fingers farther apart. I was pleased, but then her patience ran out. "No more patient," she said. As her sister was done eating, I went to get her more chocolate.

Feb. 25 - After being here for two years, we FINALLY made it to a Tech hockey game. Bridget's wearing the outfit Renn's co-workers gave her when she was born and I'm wearing one of Renn's sweatshirts, so that we all had the school colors -- black and yellow. It was fun, but Bridget had to be taken out several times. I liked this picture because not only do they both look cute, but the logo behind Bridget looks like an angel wing. If you look really closely, you'll see another wing behind Jackie as well -- our two little angels!

March 2 - Jackie made her first snowman today with my help. We used broccoli for eyes, a carrot for the nose, a red apple slice for the mouth and at Jackie's request animal crackers for ears. This is also the photo I used for the weekly photo challenge "Looking Up" as I took the picture while lying on my back in the snow, with Bridget on my stomach in her Moby (talk about dedication, right?).

I asked Jackie if it was a girl or a boy and she said a boy.
Then I asked her the snowman's name and she thought before saying: "Karen."
Then she thought a second longer and said, "It's a girl."
After another moment's thought, she told me she wanted to make a Jackie snowman too. So far that's been put off for another day, however.

March 3 - I made blueberry muffins, trying to use up some of the frozen blueberries in our small and over-filled freezer, and ate way too many. So, by Saturday morning there weren't many left. Since I'd eaten far more than my share, I turned over the majority of the remains to Jackie and Renn, but then when my lone muffin was gone, I pouted. Jackie saw that her mommy was sad and broke off a piece of muffin and gave it to me. It was so sweet. I broken that piece in half and gave half back to her, feeling touched. Did I mention, I need to make more blueberry muffins?

March 5, 6 and 9 - This week, Jackie and I discovered the Treehouse, an inside public play area, because we needed to leave the house Monday and Tuesday while our water faucets were replaced so that we would have hot, cold and most importantly warm water. We'd been having ongoing problems that eventually resulted in only hot water in the shower, which is not good for babies. Several people had told me about the Treehouse, but I'd cringed at the idea of paying money for Jackie to play. Monday I just bought a day pass ($5), but after being there for an hour and a half I decided to splurge while Renn's trying to finish up his thesis, for my sanity's sake. I went and asked if I could change that to a month pass and have my $5 go toward it ($20 total). The woman said yes. I loved the fact Jackie could run around and burn energy without freezing outside and that when she made a mess we'd all clean it up there and my whole house wasn't ripped apart. I also loved talking to the other moms and that there were other two-year-olds for Jackie to play with. Friday Renn took one day off for Spring break and I thought the Treehouse was so fun I suggested we all go there in the morning. Jackie enjoyed rock climbing, cooking in the play kitchen, playing with the dolls, going down the slide with Mommy and Daddy and wearing the princess dress.

March 11 - The snow is still here, but the cold left this week and in its place is warm sunshine and blue skies. Since we're also TRYING to exercise more and spend more time together Renn, Jackie, Bridget and I went on a walk after stake conference. Jackie loved running around without a coat on. But, when we got to the church, where we wanted to drop a few things off, she went right to the water puddles, ice and snow and proceeded to splash, slide (usually unintentionally) and stomp. She's full of two-year-old energy and loves to explore.

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My wedding cake

My wedding cake
My sister, Christie, made my wedding cake -- all five layers of it. It was fondant, covered in fresh red roses and green ribbon. For a more modern look she chose to make a square cake.

Trip up the canyon

Trip up the canyon
OK, here's the truth, what Renn and I really look like when we wake up. After our first backpacking trip as a couple, Renn's hair looked like grass growing on his head and mine lay flat and matted as we walked out of the mountains.

Karen and Renn in Mexico

Karen and Renn in Mexico
This is us on our last day at the Hummingbird Inn in Maneadero, Mexico. It was a fun week of service with Engineers Without Borders. Renn and other USU engineering students helped put in drain fields at an orphanage, The Gabriel House, for children with severe disabilities. I helped dig some holes and wrote an article for the newspaper about the experience.