Sunday, May 30, 2010


This is a kid who doesn't even own a cell phone. We don't own a TV, have never owned an iPod or MP3 player. But, yes, Renn won an iPad. We were driving to Michigan when my cell phone rang and it was a woman at the bookstore informing us that of all the people who'd sold back textbooks and entered the drawing, he was the lucky winner. He'd been eying one for awhile, but never imagined he'd actually own one. Crazy -- that's what we kept saying for the rest of the day and still do. Renn took a photograph of his ID at Kelly Inn and emailed it to his sister while we were still in Bismark. He wanted to get it as soon as possible. Then, Allysen picked it up at the bookstore and mailed it to us at our new home. She made a special trip to pick it up on a rainy day because she could tell how excited Renn was. Here's Renn opening the package. We're still figuring out exactly what to do with this huge toy, but that doesn't mean Renn doesn't simply love owning it -- and we recently downloaded a ton of free books.

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My wedding cake

My wedding cake
My sister, Christie, made my wedding cake -- all five layers of it. It was fondant, covered in fresh red roses and green ribbon. For a more modern look she chose to make a square cake.

Trip up the canyon

Trip up the canyon
OK, here's the truth, what Renn and I really look like when we wake up. After our first backpacking trip as a couple, Renn's hair looked like grass growing on his head and mine lay flat and matted as we walked out of the mountains.

Karen and Renn in Mexico

Karen and Renn in Mexico
This is us on our last day at the Hummingbird Inn in Maneadero, Mexico. It was a fun week of service with Engineers Without Borders. Renn and other USU engineering students helped put in drain fields at an orphanage, The Gabriel House, for children with severe disabilities. I helped dig some holes and wrote an article for the newspaper about the experience.